Tuesday, October 27, 2009


-This is how we like them after Week Seven at www.IFanyoneASKS.com

1. Indianapolis Colts –This could be our Super Bowl champion this year
2. New Orleans Saints –We are not totally sold on the Saints defense
3. New England Patriots –When Brady is on his game, this team is hard to beat
4. Denver Broncos –Surprise team of the year, will earn it with upcoming games
5. Pittsburgh Steelers –Win over the Vikings secured that the Steel City is back
6. Minnesota Vikings –The Vikings secondary worries us
7. New York Giants –NY Giants could not pull it off against Arizona
8. Arizona Cardinals –Coming up at the right time and the easy schedule starts
9. Cincinnati Bengals –What a surprise, will it continue we think it just may
10. Baltimore Ravens –This team is better than their record indicates
11. Dallas Cowboys –Big win over Atlanta, if Romo is on, then Dallas will win
12. Philadelphia Eagles –We are concerned that the lack of a running game
13. Green Bay Packers –Vikings game this week will tell us a lot about the Pack
14. Miami Dolphins –The Wildcat team is better than their record
15. New York Jets –The running game will win games of NY Jets, not Sanchez.
16. Atlanta Falcons –There are concerns here
17. San Diego Chargers –Finally the Chargers have a big win, only against KC
18. Houston Texans –This team is unpredictable, but good, how good we don’t know
19. Chicago Bears –Laid an egg against the Bengals this week
20. Buffalo Bills –Quietly surviving some tough games and may move up
21. San Francisco 49ers –Alex Smith is back and so is Frank Gore
22. Seattle Seahawks –BYE week came at the perfect time and they should move up
23. Carolina Panthers –Missing a QB and it could be a Kyle Boller situation here
24. Washington Redskins –Stop fumbling the football and throwing INT’s & win
25. Tennessee Titans –What a struggle here, so much talent and no wins
26. Jacksonville Jaguars –MJD is for real and the Jaguars will do ok this year
27. Oakland Raiders –Unpredictable, what will happen with the Raiders, no clue
28. Detroit Lions –This team is gaining & we think another win this year
29. Kansas City Chiefs –How are the Chiefs this bad and why is LJ talking again
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers –Not for sure if there is more than 1 win this year
31. St. Louis –Could beat a team or two if they get out of their own way
32. Cleveland Browns –Sickness, QB problems, Coaching issues, this is really bad

Teams That We Currently Disagree On

• Miami Dolphins (IIA=14, ESPN=19) –Miami is a team that has been close to beating New Orleans and Indianapolis and just missed, we like them to rebound
• Atlanta Falcons (IIA=16, ESPN=11) –We thought Atlanta was exposed this week and they could tumble further
• Jacksonville Jaguars (IIA=26, ESPN=21) –Did everyone forget that Jacksonville almost lost to the Rams in Week 6, this team is questionable


Parody in the NFL has been hard to find this year with point margins increasing and the division between the good and bad teams is huge. The strange thing is that there have been some surprises namely Cincinnati and Denver for the good teams list and Tennessee and Carolina for the bad teams list. So let’s have a look at the bad teams because everyone is talking about the good teams.

1. Chicago Bears- Wow, did anyone see this coming? How about Cedric Benson? Talk about payback. Where was Jay Cutler? The Bears defense? Matt Forte? Why is no one answering? Hey Bears you better figure it out or the Lions will beat you!

2. Atlanta Falcons- Going into the week we all felt that this game would be one of the best and then the Falcons went cold, very cold. Now everyone is jumping on the Cowboys bandwagon, may want to wait on the Falcons there are problems brewing.

3. Oakland Raiders- We admit we thought that the Raiders could be ok, strong defense, a few big offensive plays and another win similar to the Eagles victory could happen from time to time. The NY Jets killed this momentum and we doubt it will regenerate.

4. Carolina Panthers- Ouch, what is going on here? Why are they still playing Jake Delhomme? Run Stewart and Williams every play, there you have it. Just do not pass anymore. A reverse every eight plays to Smith works for a pass play.

5. Kansas City Chiefs- We thought that the Chiefs would give San Diego some trouble on Sunday, but nope all we received was a mouthful of Larry Johnson being an idiot as usual. Matt Cassel looks to be an early bust and the team is a mess.

6. Washington Redskins- Watch the highlights, the fumbles and interceptions have got to go not Jim Zorn. The defense played excellent and Philly tried to keep it close. The Redskins are terrible on offense.

7. Cleveland Browns- The flu catches the team and it showed on Sunday. There is nothing good going on here. It is hard to see the Browns winning this year.

8. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- And the British may never go to an NFL game again with this type of performance. What happened to Tampa Bay? Terrible team, challenging a group of teams for no wins.

9. St. Louis Rams- Is Indianapolis that good? I thought that the Rams played well against the Viking last week, excluding several bad turnovers. The Rams should change their name to the Stephen Jackson’s because that is the only player on this team.

10. Minnesota Vikings- Two turnovers taken to the house for TD’s! How is this possible? The Steelers defense is good, but that good? We think not, the Vikings play Green Bay this week and need to win this one on the road to get back up there in the top teams talk with Indianapolis, New Orleans and Denver.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


After our WEEK 3 review BYE Week we bring back the Power Rankings by popular demand.

NFL Power Rankings
-This is how we like them after Week Four at www.IFanyoneASKS.com

BIGGEST GAINER = Denver Broncos (+10)
BIGGEST LOSER = Dallas Cowboys (-10)

1. New Orleans Saints (+2) -BYE
2. Indianapolis Colts (+5) -@Tennessee, this is the best 0-4 team and should fight.
3. Minnesota Vikings (BUY +2) -@St. Louis should be an easy win.
4. New York Giants (BUY -3) –Oakland, another easy win for NYG!
5. Baltimore Ravens (-3) –Cincinnati comes in for a battle!
6. Pittsburgh Steelers (BUY -2) -@Detroit should be an easy win for the Steelers!
7. Philadelphia Eagles (BUY-1) –Tampa Bay, this will be an easy win.
8. New England Patriots (+7) -@Denver, time to bring the Broncos back to reality.
9. Atlanta Falcons (-1) -@San Francisco and catching the 49ers at a bad time.
10. New York Jets (+4) -@Miami and we like Miami whether they have a QB or not.
11. San Francisco 49ers (+9) –Atlanta, who saw this coming as the game of the week.
12. Green Bay Packers (-2) -BYE
13. Chicago Bears (+5) –BYE
14. Denver Broncos (+10) –New England, great match-up to prove their record.
15. Cincinnati Bengals (+6) -@Baltimore and should get a taste of reality.
16. Arizona Cardinals (-4) –Houston comes to town and it will be a shoot out.
17. San Diego Chargers (-6) -BYE
18. Miami Dolphins (-2) –NY Jets and this is the win Miami needs to get.
19. Dallas Cowboys (-10 BUY) -@Kansas City, the Cowboys need this win.
20. Houston Texans (-3) -@Arizona, this is the game that will make the early season.
21. Tennessee Titans (-8) –Indianapolis, this could be a strange season for Tennessee
22. Carolina Panthers (=) –Washington comes to town and the Panthers need to win.
23. Jacksonville Jaguars (+3) -@Seattle and they need to show up to make it.
24. Buffalo Bills (-5) –Cleveland, the Bills need to get moving in the right direction.
25. Seattle Seahawks (-2) –Jacksonville, this is EVEN in Vegas and could be a game.
26. Washington Redskins (-1) -@Carolina and they need to get this one to stay alive.
27. Detroit Lions (+3) –Pittsburgh, once again another terrible game.
28. Kansas City Chiefs (-1) –Dallas, KC is a terrible team & could surprise this week.
29. Oakland Raiders (-1) -@NY Giants, do not waste your time watching this one.
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-1) -@Philadelphia, also another bad game.
31. Cleveland Browns (=) -@Buffalo, this is a must win for both teams.
32. St. Louis (=) –Minnesota, and this could be over within the first half.

Teams That We Currently Disagree On

• Pittsburgh Steelers (IIA=6, ESPN=15) – We like Pittsburgh to turn around and start to climb the charts; we may be overly excited this week.
• Denver Broncos (IIA=14, ESPN=8) – Even at 4-0 we are not totally sold on Denver and their upcoming tough schedule should prove this doubt.

Monday, October 5, 2009


So here at www.IFanyoneASKS.comwe took a BYE WEEK in Week Three reviews and a lot has changed, but our format has not. We will be listed as the only team for Week Three that did not show up and the others will be left alone.

During Week Four we caught some bad games. The Dallas at Denver game was probably the best and it only included three TD’s. Pittsburgh tried it’s best to make the ending of their game against San Diego entertaining, however could not help the Chargers out enough. I think the best is yet to come and tonight Packers at Vikings will make up for a poor week.

1. Tennessee Titans – 0-4, this is one more loss than the Titans had all of last year. Did losing Haynesworth destroy this defense? Is Kerry Collins really too old at this point? We can not figure it out Tennessee, every week we try to resurrect you and you disappoint, well you made it to the top finally…of the losing column.
2. Buffalo Bills – In Week One we thought we would see an exciting team in Buffalo, boy were we wrong. We thought getting Lynch back would be another weapon to bring to battle. Nope, this team will struggle.
3. St. Louis Rams (3rd Appearance) – 3 for 3 for this list and they should be here every week. Zero points scored; please do not select Stephen Jackson on your fantasy team as long as he is a Ram.
4. Oakland Raiders – JaMarcus Russell and Al Davis together are ruining this team. It is hard to have any hope for the Raiders. This team will be a strong member of the list of terrible teams.
5. San Diego Chargers (2nd Appearance) – This is a surprise, we were not alone in thinking the Chargers could be a contender this year, however we thought they would have a running game and defense and at this point they do not have either.
6. Dallas Cowboys – Is Denver this good? Is this Romo’s last year? We think the answer could be “Yes” in both cases.
7. Kansas City Chiefs – The game against the NY Giants was over before it started. If you watched this game you could see that Kansas City is far from a win and this division is looking better and better for Denver.
8. Seattle Seahawks (2nd Appearance) – Once again Seattle is plagued with injuries and problems. At least TJ Housh showed up for the game this week; however with the 49ers rolling this is going to be a tough year in the Northwest for their beloved Seahawks.
9. Detroit Lions – Stafford gets injured and the team went on pause letting Chicago run away with this one as soon as they kicked off to Knox in the second half. Come on Detroit please do it, do it for the economy and do it for the Tigers that will be crushed on Tuesday by the Twins.
10. TIE Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2nd Appearance) & Washington Redskins (2nd Appearance) – Both teams need to review what they are trying to accomplish with this year. This game was a snoozer and we would pick any of the TOP 25 D1 College teams to beat these teams.